
An old town in Antalya

1/12 diorama made by Moss Wu

The inspiration of this work came from some of my old photos in Antalya Turkey 2013. It was a very quite and peaceful ancient town, the street is very narrow, so you can see many bikes and motorcycles laid here and there.

The base size of this diorama is 30*30 cm in 1/12 scale. the wall and building was made by foam board and the motorcycle is Tamiya kit.

此条目由Moss Wu发表在Model Gallery分类目录,并贴了标签。将固定链接加入收藏夹。

关于Moss Wu

Moss Wu 1989年出生于上海,自幼喜爱各类模型,玩具。2008年开始接触喷笔,最初主要制作高达题材模型,之后陆续开始接触民用,AFV,RC漂移车和人物比例模型,最近热衷于制作各类情景模型。 早些年受日本的模型文化影响较大,喜欢Gunpla,喜欢为模型添加大量细节,但是制作有些按部就班,近年逐渐接触到了西方的各种旧化以及光影绘画理论,发现想制作能够以假乱真的模型必须要多参考现实,仔细分辨各种颜色与明暗对比。 这些年也通过模型认识了很多志同道合的朋友,感谢Hobbyworks搭建这个博客平台,为大家提供作品展示以及技术交流的平台。


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